My story
is your story.
Getting To 10,000 Sales
Selling Consistently: The One Thing You Need To Be Doing

Carlos Beracasa
My mind raced. My heart skipped a beat. Staring intently at my video call, it took every ounce of my being to keep me from blurting out: “You’re doing it all wrong. You skipped every step!”
I was less than 10 minutes into a sales call. A sales call which - for all practical purposes - should’ve been a slam dunk. An easy A. Except this time, I wasn’t doing the selling.
I had recently heard of a very successful woman - well known in her circle - who had helped hundreds of authors build an online presence. Her website overflowed with positive reviews, gushing testimonials and well-known brand names. A long history of success.
I was interested. More than interested: I was ready. Ready to say yes.
Yet when I heard her speak to me, when I heard her “Revenue generation technique”, I became shocked at how little – to no – process her communication actually carried.
Shocked. And confused. Maybe even a little jealous. That’s how I felt.
Think of it! Success in every area of business; every nook and cranny polished to perfection – all built without an identifiable sales process. Zero. Zip. Zilch.
And then it hit me; with the force of a sledgehammer.
I had just experienced yet another thunderous A-ha moment in my life: The number of sales lost.
The amount of revenue slipping. The lost opportunities. The number was high. Being in the business all my life, I immediately sensed that – based on that conversation alone –
This business was missing out on at least 60% of its sales. Yep; more than half. And the worst part? She had no idea. Not a clue. Blinded by success.
You may be thinking: “So what? Who cares Carlos? She’s huge. She’s made it. She’s arrived. She obviously doesn’t need a sales process.”
You may be right. She can keep going. Keep doing her thing.
But consider this: If you’ve already arrived – if you’ve made it this far – how much better would it feel if you would’ve generated an extra zero in your bank account? I’m talking real money here. 10x.
That was five years ago. Since that time, I have been on dozens, no, hundreds, of similar video calls with entrepreneurs from all walks and stages of life. All trying to sell their product.
Their common bond? Every last one of them – without exception – yes, you guessed it: Not a smidgeon of a repeatable sales process.
All show and no go.
It was hard to swallow. Hard to believe. And almost impossible to understand. But the proof was there. Staring me straight in the face.
How much more...
would they had all been, if every conversation, every encounter, was executed through an invisible, easy to implement, repeatable process?
How much more!

I thought back to my own journey, more than 20 years ago – when I launched my little education business. Recently divorced - and more than broke, I had nothing; nothing but that proverbial entrepreneurial twinkle in my eye.
→ No money.
→ No experience.
→ No presence.
→ No employees.
→ No office.
→ No self-esteem.
But with the process I’m about to share with you – with that exact process I’ve been talking to you about – within one short, intense, 24/7 type year, I picked myself off the floor and managed to single-handedly turn that tiny niche industry upside down. On its head.
Driven solely by my ability to sell that process, I quickly rose to become the number one provider in that space. Top of the heap. And yes, we’re talking about an industry which was alive and well – marketing a highly recognizable product. A well-known service that had already been offered by a handful of established companies - for well over a decade.
It almost felt like as if these companies were satisfied with their success by carefully crossing all their T’s and dotting all their I’s – while ignoring the sales process.
But none of that mattered. Because without sales process, those established, well to-do, buttoned up companies, became “easy pickins’” for me. Yes, the work was monumentally hard. And yes, the hours were disgustingly long. But the results were there. Dethroned.
From that moment on, from that very day forward – and for the next quarter-century - I became hopelessly addicted to the process. A process of selling that eventually spilled over into every decision I made. Every conversation I ever had. Every deal I’ve ever stepped into.
It was that powerful.

I would love nothing more than to share with you the most off-the-wall, fall-down-laughing, stories of all my “outside of work” negotiations throughout those years – but my wife would probably be horrified LOL. Professional sales athlete, I liked to call it. In every area of my life. But I digress…
Remember the title at the top of this page: My story is your story.
Never forget: We are all the same. I’m here to tell you in no uncertain terms, that no matter what your sales journey looks like, no matter where you stand – you too must learn this process. You too must make that pivot. It will save you. Feed you. Sustain you. Make you wildly successful. And happy.
After 25 years of selling – I can now say – without an inkling of doubt, that...
I can take your revenue generation process - pick it apart, analyze it, dissect it - and transform it into an unrecognizable version of its former barely alive self.
The Result?
For the first time in your life, at long last, you will own it. You will have something that’s yours. Your baby. And the best part?
It won’t look like a sale. Feel like a sale. Smell like a sale. Or act like a sale.
The Catch?
(And yes, there’s always a catch. Always.)
What I teach requires a level of dedication that most folks are uncomfortable with. If you’ve read my book, you’ll know exactly what I mean.
The Problem?
I don’t know what category you’ll fall in. You don’t know what category you’ll fall in. Why? Because like anything worth doing in life, you won’t find out until you’re knee deep in this muck. You’ll never know until you go through it.
What Readers Are Saying
Having worked in sales my entire career (20+ years) – and having studied every imaginable book/course on selling, the moment I began reading 10,000 Sales, a lightbulb went off in my head. And by the third chapter, I knew this was the book I’d been searching for. I only wish I would’ve found it sooner. My selling ability has continued to evolve over time; and as I look back, I can now see how I used many of the lessons taught in the book. But it wasn’t until I read the entire book, that I was able to put it all together into a teachable/repeatable format. Carlos understands human nature and sales psychology better than anyone I’ve ever met. The lessons in the book will make that abundantly clear. But that’s just half the story; Carlos also teaches a selling process that is so different from anything I’d ever read that it compelled me to write this review. Needless to say, I could not put the book down. It grabbed me from the very start and never let go. It’s an easy read, and the story is simply amazing. Brutally honest and super insightful. The second I finished it, I put in an order for 30 books: My entire sales team needed to learn how to sell this way. The book was so well received, that two weeks later we decided to invite Carlos for a live, in-person training at our NYC Headquarters.
– Allen | Senior Sales Manager | Hilton Hotels
While the majority of the “Required reading” sales books I’ve studied throughout my 15-year sales career were practically unusable – and an absolute chore to finish – nothing could be further from the truth concerning 10,000 Sales In Ten Years. The book reads exactly like your classic, bet it all, entrepreneurial story. Fast paced, and nearly impossible to put down, this book does what most other sales books fail to do: Entertain. However – and this is the icing on the cake - born out of the failures and “Epic wipeouts” described in vivid detail, come these highly relatable and immediately applicable sales lessons. I have yet to come across any other sales book with that unique combination. There are 22 lessons. Not one page of fluff. One tutorial that resonated with me in particular, was this concept of becoming a “professional sales athlete.” Without getting into too much detail, this chapter alone was a game changer in my daily sales process. Carlos is a master storyteller – but an even better salesperson. His distinct manner of delivering complicated concepts in a simple, yet highly relevant format, is an art form in and of itself.
– Elizabeth | Account Executive, Global Clients | LinkedIn
I began reading the book out of pure curiosity – the title had caught my attention. 10,000 Sales in Ten Years; I found the bravado of it all fascinating and questioned how much of that was luck vs skill (or frankly, just bragging). As an entrepreneur and senior consultant at a Big 4 Accounting Firm, the book resonated with me on many levels.
As I read through the unexpectedly witty and humorous narrative, I was amazed at how the author was able to truly analyze the steps that led to closing deals - and apply them with such consistency. Equally impressive was the way he was able to communicate this technique and simplify the approach such that it could be applied across multiple industries. This book is a must for anyone looking to master the art of sales and create a foolproof process that is not only logical but feels natural and authentic. The author combines storytelling and humor to share insightful and practical tips that will inspire even the most seasoned professional.
– Anjali | Senior Director | Big 4 Accounting/Consulting Firm

Carlos Beracasa
For the past 20 years Carlos Beracasa has been a top producer in the financial, education, and energy industries. During that time, he founded, developed, and sold a financial training company that offered courses to professionals worldwide. Carlos has also mentored hundreds of individuals using a fresh approach to selling marked by speed, proficiency, and consistency. He lives in Brooklyn with his wife Allison and their two children.